2011年3月22日 星期二

[新聞]V.K克「愛‧無限」演奏會全球首播 發動V型宣言邀樂迷紀錄感動

轉貼至 : KKBOX娛樂新聞


另外,V.K克於2010年11月舉辦了盛大的首場大型演奏會「愛‧無限台北演奏會」,爆滿的群眾以及漏夜排隊粉絲都一同見證了屬於華人演奏界的驕傲與感動,但依然有許多其他國家的忠實粉絲無法一同共襄盛舉。為了回饋V.K克廣大的支持群眾,永鑠國際獨創業界先例,將此場演奏會全程製成網路播放版本,分集在KKBOX和Youtube「VKstation V.K」專屬頻道播放,就如同V.K克一向堅持的:『我用畫面寫風格,我用音樂寫人生』,我們邀請你來體驗全新的演奏風格。詳細活動請至:http://www.facebook.com/VKstyle?v=app_10339498918

2011年3月8日 星期二

‎[HD]V.K克《愛∞無限》演奏會Live 網路版 正式首映

V.K克 國際官方網站 http://www.VK-style.com/

V.K克 Facebook http://www.facebook.com/VKstyle


Intro ~未来へ ~ Intro Future

琴之翼 Wings of Piano













You have never thought piano could be played this way 

Endless creativities one has not yet seen 

Overturning your every imaginations 

A splendid musical feast 


Tonight we shall redefine “Piano” 

Welcome to V.K’s magical world of piano 


2009年推出第一張個人鋼琴演奏創作專輯《鏡夜》, 以不採用唱片行銷售的方式,只在網路上販售, 引起廣大迴響及話題, 甚至擊敗已經在KKBOX心靈演奏排行榜蟬聯三年冠軍寶座的國外 輕音樂大師《凱文‧柯恩》, 並同時在海外下載試聽次數達25萬次之多。


2010年V.K更推出他的第二張全新創作專輯《愛‧無限》, 不但再度攻陷台灣KKBOX心靈演奏類排行榜冠軍, 更在短短一周內,在網路商城博客來演奏銷售排行榜上攻進前三名, 引爆風潮,也在兩岸三地華人區引起熱烈討論。 

在這樣的好成績之下,V.K擁有來自11個國家的粉絲團, 聽眾年齡層從9歲到90歲,無遠弗屆的影響力建立在V. K對音樂及對人的一顆誠摯的心。V. K在14歲時即罹患僵直性脊椎炎病症, 每天早晨永遠是最痛苦的時刻,錐心的痛卻養成了V. K對人生不屈不撓的毅力與堅持。一天四、五個小時的鋼琴練習, 成了V.K最重要的功課,他用音樂來忘卻痛苦, 也用音樂記錄人生每一刻的點點滴滴。 

V.K的音樂最大的特色是結合各項華人音樂的元素, 融合多種樂器,曲風多變,時而清新自然,時而開闊千里; 縷縷扣人心弦卻又能讓人感到加倍幸福溫馨。 一直對台灣有著相當大的關懷以及情感的《V.K》, 利用音樂及網路的力量,在國際間發光發熱, 為台灣的藝術音樂文化,增添一筆筆佳話。 


V.K, Taiwan’s most prominent cross-performing pianist!  

Not taking the usual channels but selling only through the internet, V.K released his first piano performing debut album <Reflection> in 2009.  It soon reverberant became a hot topic and also overtaken Kevin Kern’s three year top position in New Age genre and become the top number one in “KKBOX”, the biggest digital music chart in the Chinese region, while at the same time, overseas trial download hit the number of 250,000.   

In 2010, V.K released his second album <Love Infinity>, again it soon climbed to number one on the KKBOX’s New Age genre chart and hit into the top three selling records in music performing chart in online bookstore “Books.com” within a week of releasing. Not only did it create a wave but also brought hot discussions among the Chinese regions.   

In light of these accomplishments, V.K’s burgeoning numbers of fans are spreaded all over the world, with the age group from 9 to 90.  These far-reaching, borderless influences are built on V.K’s strong devotion to music and people.  V.K has suffered from Ankylosing Spondylitis from the age of 14.  However, he chose to fight against pain and turn them into musical endeavors.  4-5 hours of piano practice is a daily routine, it is the moment when he can forget his pain through music and to write down the moments of his life with music.   

The special characteristic in V.K’s music is that he combines every Chinese musical elements, fuse with different instruments to compose different styles and types of music pieces, sometimes refreshing and natural, sometimes vast and grand. However, they will always touch one’s heart and make one feel surrounded by warmth and happiness.   

Through the power of music and internet, V.K shines internationally and continuously his accomplishments for Taiwan’s music performing culture.   




     我常常在育幼院,安養院做義演,不管地方怎麼變, 不變的卻是大人小孩臉上滿足的笑容。就好像當年的珍貴回憶, 重現眼前,就好像以後的夢想世界,觸手可及。就在那一瞬間, 我感謝上天給我這個禮物,也謝謝所有的人給我機會, 讓我可以把美好的事物帶給大家。這個世界並不完美, 所以我們才有努力的空間。有的人用畫筆,有的人靠言語, 而我則用聲音,那怕只是一點點的感動, 都有可能能給予大家繼續向前邁進的動力。也因此, 我投注我所有心力,把每樣事情做到最好,希望能藉由我的聲音, 讓每一個人都能找到屬於自己的感動時刻並且熱烈的擁抱人生。          



I often perform in different places or give benefit performances at orphanages or elderly housings.  However the places may change, what always remain unchanged are the satisfactory smiles on every person’s faces, regardless of age, when they listen to my music.  As if it has taken them back to the sweet old days, or as if it brings them into the future world they dreamed of. 

The world we live in is not perfect, that’s why we have endeavors that we would like to achieve, and that’s why we still have space for improvements.  Some people may use paintbrushes, some may use words, but I use music.  I thank God for giving me this gift and cherish the opportunities that I have to bring beautiful sounds into your life.  However little it may touch your heart, I believe that there are possibilities that it may give you the strengths to move forward.  Hopefully, through my music, everyone can find touching moments and embrace life passionately.