萬眾期待的 V.K克 愛無限台北演奏會 終於要在無名小站 做 獨家的連載首播囉!!
愛無限演奏會的獨家影片一共將分為11集播出,也就是未來的11個禮拜 將近3個月的時間,我們將會在這邊一起度過愉快的夜晚喔!
9/29日起 至12/8日
每週(四) PM7:00 將會為大家帶來 最新!最棒!最完整的!V.K克台北演奏會! 你們準備好了嗎?
請務必準時鎖定無名小站 - V.K克的Blog 與 無名原創音樂平台 喔!
Intro ~未来へ ~ Intro Future
琴之翼 Wings of Piano
You have never thought piano could be played this way
Endless creativities one has not yet seen
Overturning your every imaginations
A splendid musical feast
Tonight we shall redefine "Piano"
Welcome to V.K's magical world of piano
V.K克 無名小站 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/kloud
V.K克 Facebook http://www.facebook.com/VKstyle
V.K克 國際官方網站 http://www.VK-style.com/
V.K, Taiwan's most prominent cross-performing pianist!
Not taking the usual channels but selling only through the internet, V.K released his first piano performing debut album 《Reflection》in 2009. It soon reverberant became a hot topic and also overtaken Kevin Kern's three year top position in New Age genre and become the top number one in "KKBOX", the biggest digital music chart in the Chinese region, while at the same time, overseas trial download hit the number of 250,000.
In 2010, V.K released his second album 《Love ‧Infinity》, again it soon climbed to number one on the KKBOX's New Age genre chart and hit into the top three selling records in music performing chart in online bookstore "Books.com" within a week of releasing. Not only did it create a wave but also brought hot discussions among the Chinese regions.
In light of these accomplishments, V.K's burgeoning numbers of fans are spreaded all over the world, with the age group from 9 to 90. These far-reaching, borderless influences are built on V.K's strong devotion to music and people. V.K has suffered from Ankylosing Spondylitis from the age of 14. However, he chose to fight against pain and turn them into musical endeavors. 4-5 hours of piano practice is a daily routine, it is the moment when he can forget his pain through music and to write down the moments of his life with music.
The special characteristic in V.K's music is that he combines every Chinese musical elements, fuse with different instruments to compose different styles and types of music pieces, sometimes refreshing and natural, sometimes vast and grand. However, they will always touch one's heart and make one feel surrounded by warmth and happiness.
Through the power of music and internet, V.K shines internationally and continuously his accomplishments for Taiwan's music performing culture.