2015年5月1日 星期五

V.K’s official sheet music available at / V.Kオフィシャルピアノ電子楽譜が今 で発売開始!

Hello Fans,
Many foreign fans often ask me where to get my piano sheet.
My sheets are available now at musicnotes.
Including many popular songs like reflection, Wings Of Piano, Pure White, etc.,
So no matter where you are in the world,
it is easy to buy my music sheets.
Get it now on musicnotes.com!!
Download Sheets:

V.K’s official sheet music available at <musicnotes> ! http://mnot.es/1JNt6I9

Download sheet music by V.K
Songs from the popular mobile music rhythm game <Deemo> like “Wings of Piano”, “Yawning Lion”, “Reflection”, “Pure White” and many other more!

Get it now at musicnotes.com

V.Kオフィシャルピアノ電子楽譜が今 <musicnotes> で発売開始!http://mnot.es/1JNt6I9

大好評スマホ音ゲー「Deemo」人気曲 “Wings of Piano”, “Yawning Lion”, “Reflection”, “Pure White” 等々& many more!

